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Economic Development Skills

Certified Louisiana Economic Developer

Learn best practices in economic development to grow business, jobs, and capital investment in your community!

Economic Development Training....

with emphasis on Louisiana's assets, laws, incentives, workforce.

Ethics in Economic Development

How do you know if something is truly ethical or unethical?  The consequences of a poor decision can certainly be harmful to your organization's reputation.  It can also be costly from a legal perspective and from a personal risk perspective.


Fundamentally, this course presents ethics as:

  • How we act as an economic development professional.

  • How we structure or economic development organizations and work.

  • How we structure or community culture, laws and systems.



Course Highlights:




1. Analyze the proposed behavior and determine if it serves the greater good, or helps improve human welfare.
2. Identify the legitimate rights of all individuals or groups affected,
3. Determine if all parties are being treated fairly.
4. Assess if the proposed behavior is consistent with accepted cultural values (i.e. honesty, integrity, promise keeping, responsible citizenship, respect, accountability, decency, etc.)
5. Ask if the common good is being served.




1. Recognize and clarify the predicament.
2. Gather all relevant facts.
3. List all of your options.
4. Analyze each option to determine if it is legal, represents the right thing to do, and generates a result that is beneficial to all parties.
5. Draw your own conclusions and make a decision.
6. Ask yourself how you’d feel if your decision was made public by the media.
7. Take action.



The emphasis in this course is not on setting black and white boundaries, but will utilize case studies to explore "shades of gray".  Students will be presented a rigorous way of analyzing situations to arrive at the best possible for determining ethical behavior and building systemic processes to reinforce high ethical standards.


About LIDEA                                         Program Sponsors

The Louisiana Industrial Development Executives Association (LIDEA) is a non-profit trade organization whose mission is to increase the effectiveness of individuals involved in the practice of economic development in Louisiana through education, public policy advocacy, and collaboration; LIDEA is the voice of the profession in Louisiana. 


LIDEA started the Certified Louisiana Economic Developer program in 2008 to help practitioners become the best in the nation at growing economies in their communities. 


Our partners include LED (Louisiana Economic Development), USDA Rural Development and the Delta Regional Authority.  We are able to offer affordable, best in nation training due to their generous support!


We also enjoy generous support from AEP (American Electric Power) and GNO, Inc (Greater New Orleans, Inc.), who have both been supporters of helping community leaders learn economic development best practices for many years!

Economic Development Training Sponsors
Business Hours:

Monday-Friday  9am-5pm



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